The St. Lucia citizenship by investment unit cannot be contacted directly; instead, all applicants must go through an authorised agent or service provider, according to government regulations. We collaborate with a number of licenced realtors and property developers in Saint Lucia.

The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that you are only needed to send the complete money to the government after obtaining an earlier letter from the government approving your application for citizenship.


With the agent, sign a retainer agreement and submit a down payment (5%–10%). Before beginning the procedure, the agent will perform an initial, mandatory due diligence review and request papers.


The approved agent will sign a client-professional agreement, guarantee the privacy of the documents, and provide the go-ahead for the application process to begin.


Pay the agent service fee, government investigation fee, and registration fee (only for real estate). Between the Government and the Client, the Agent will manage everything. Now that everything has been checked and verified.


It will take the St. Lucia citizenship unit 60 days to approve the application. When the application is accepted, they will give the agent a "Letter of Approval" and direct them to have you make the remaining investment. Prior to receiving the approval letter, you are not required to pay the entire sum.


You must complete the remaining investment in full within 21 days of receiving the letter of approval (bonds, real estate, business, in case of donation – payment must be made to government fund account)


The St. Lucia citizenship unit confirms that the required investment has been made, and the investor and family will swiftly get a Certificate of Naturalization and a St. Lucia passport within seven days.


A designated agent will collect your passport and naturalisation certificate and transfer them to you. It will take 3 months to complete the process (or 90 working days)


This website is not associated with, authorised by, or sponsored by any government or other official body. Our services include document preparation and filing, legal counsel, housing and real estate, tax preparation, and investment counselling. You can get free access to all programme information and forms from the government.

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