Following the passage of Act No. 14 of 2015, the Citizenship by Investment Act, on August 24, 2015, which makes it easier to give accelerated citizenship to foreign investors, the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program was established in December 2015.

According to the guidelines of the citizenship-by-investment programme (CIP), the following four investment types are eligible for citizenship in St. Lucia.


A special fund known as the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund was created in accordance with Section 33 of the Citizenship by Investment Act with the sole objective of receiving cash investments that meet the requirements for financing government-sponsored initiatives.

Investors must make a one-time $100,000 payment for the fund in exchange for lifetime citizenship. The cheapest, quickest, and simplest way to obtain Saint Lucian citizenship is to donate to the fund.

  • Applicant applying alone: US$100,000
  • Applicant applying with spouse: US$140,000
  • Applicant applying with spouse and up to two (2) other qualifying dependants: US$150,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependant, of any age: US$25,000
Non-refundable processing fees
  1. Principal applicant: US $2000
  2. Each qualifying dependant: US $1000
Due diligence fees
  1. Principal applicant: US $7,500
  2. Each qualifying dependant (Over 16 years of age): US $5,000


This unique COVID-19 Relief Bond, which has a starting price of USD 250,000, is a government bond without an interest component, for which the applicant is not required to pay a processing fee. After its first issuance, the bond must be registered and held in the applicant’s name. This bond option is only accessible until December 31, 2021.

View the Bond Prospectus released on July 15, 2020, by the government of Saint Lucia.

Once the application for citizenship has been approved, the applicant must pay an administrative cost of US$30,000. Following that, the following is how the qualifying investment sum for this special bond option is payable:
  • Sole applicant (five-year holding bond):  US$250,000
  • Applicant applying with 1 qualifying dependent (six-year holding bond): US$250,000
  • Applicant applying with up to 4 qualifying dependents (seven-year holding bond): US$250,000
  • Applicant applying with up to 4 qualifying dependents (five-year holding bond): US$300,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependent, along with an applicant applying with up to 4 qualifying dependents: US$15,000
Due Diligence:
  • Applicant alone- US$7,500
  • Each qualifying dependent over 16 years of age – US$5,000


A property or real estate worth at least US$300,000 must be purchased by applicants in one of St. Lucia’s authorised real estate developments, such as branded hotels, resorts, or boutique homes. The Cabinet of Ministers will decide whether to approve adding real estate projects to the list of projects for the Citizenship by Investment Program. Only homes that have been approved by the government are eligible for the CIP programme.

Administration costs that are not refundable for real estate investments:
  • Principal applicant: US $30,000
  • Each qualifying dependant: US $25,000 (18 years of age and over).
  • Each qualifying dependant: US $15,000  (under 18 years of age)
Due diligence fees
  • Principal applicant: US $7,500
  • Each qualifying dependant (Over 16 years of age): US $5,000


The Cabinet of Ministers will decide whether to approve adding enterprise projects to the list of eligible investments for the Citizenship by Investment Program. The following seven (7) broad categories describe the approved enterprise projects:

  1. Specialty Restaurants
  2. Cruise ports and marinas
  3. Agro-processing plants
  4. Pharmaceutical products
  5. Ports, bridges, roads and highways
  6. Research institutions and facilities
  7. Offshore universities
Option 1 – A sole applicant.
  • A minimum investment of  US$3,500,000
Option 2 – More than one applicant (joint venture).
  • A minimum investment of US$ 6,000,000 with each applicant contributing no less than US$1,000,000
Due diligence fees

Principal applicant: US $7,500

Each qualifying dependant (Over 16 years of age): US $5,000

Non-refundable administration fees under Enterprise investment:

Principal applicant: US $50,000

Each qualifying dependant: US $35,000 (18 years of age and over)

Each qualifying dependant: US $25,000  (under 18 years of age)


It is also possible to become a citizen of St. Lucia through investment by purchasing US$ 500,000 in 5-year, interest-free government bonds.

  • Applicant applying alone: US$500,000
  • Applicant applying with spouse: US$535,000
  • Applicant applying with spouse and up to two (2) other qualifying dependants: US$550,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependant: US$25,000

Administration costs that are non-refundable when purchasing government bonds:

Principal applicant: US $50,000

Each qualifying dependant: US $35,000 (18 years of age and over)

Each qualifying dependant: US $25,000  (under 18 years of age)

Due diligence fees

Principal applicant: US $7,500

Each qualifying dependant (Over 16 years of age): US $5,000

The National Savings and Development Bonds Act Ch.15.25 of 2005 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia governs the issuance of Government of Saint Lucia bonds. Once a citizenship application has been accepted, the applicant must purchase the non-interest bearing government bonds through the Ministry of Finance’s Debt and Investment Unit.

Within 21 calendar days, a Bond Certificate would be given to the applicant. As evidence of making the required investment, the Unit must receive a certified copy of the Bond Certificate. The Unit will handle the issuing of a Citizenship Certificate after receiving the Bond Certificate.


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